Wednesday, March 17, 2010

EWWW! That's F'kin GROSS!

It's only Wednesday but I can't believe I have survived this week so far unscathed. By now I should have received a virus or been punched in the face. I have witnessed three gross, disgusting acts of "Sanitation Betrayal" (yes, I coined my own term. Like it??)...and I was VERY vocal about it.

On Monday I went into the bathroom at work. There are two stalls. The person in the other stall was obviously making a doodie. It stunk, she was noisy about it and when she heard me walk in..she made an attempt to hurry up and get out. I guess she was shy about her pooping. So, if you have read my other posts, you will know that I am VERY QUICK with my peeing. As she was walking out of her stall, I flushed. When I opened my stall door I noticed that she DID NOT WASH HER HANDS! Ewww! Ick! Yuck!. As she was running out the door (I did not see her face so I don't know if it is someone who works in the building - which means it could be a repeat offender) I yelled "Wash your fucking hands you pig". I have no idea if she heard me, I really don't understand how she couldn't. I mean, I mumble shit under my breath and both my husband and boss hear them when I really don't want them too. I envisioned her coming back in and smacking me with that smelly, fecal contaminated hand. I learned my lesson though. You just never know! I washed my hands and I took the paper towel I used to dry them to turn the door knob. The walk back to the office suite from the bathroom was uneventful. I was safe!

Lady: In case you are reading this, and you know who you are even if I don't know who you are. After you go potty, you wash your hands with warm water. As you are washing your hands, sing this song so that you know when it's time to stop washing:

(To the tune of "Where is Thumpkin") Top and bottom / top and bottom / in between / in between / rub them all together / rub them all together/ Now we're clean / Now we're clean.

Yesterday I went to the A&P Grocery store. While I was waiting on line at the pharmacy, some older lady walks past me and I hear "Kah". (That's my onomatopoei for a cough). EWWWL! She coughed and didn't even cover her mouth!!!! What the fuck is wrong with her?????????? My daughter who just turned 3 last week even says "germs are not for sharing". How come this old lady does not know this? Was she just too lazy to move her arm up to her mouth? She had nothing in her hands and she wasn't pushing a cart. It's not like her hands were busy doing something else. Of course I could not keep this to myself so I said "Ewl, cover your mouth". I did not add any name calling. She was old..I showed a little respect. Again, I expected a dirty look, a germ contaminated hand to smack me. Nothing! Nothing! So my theory would be that people who display Sanitary Betrayal behaviors are passive aggressive. They won't say or do anything to defend their wrong actions, they will just get you sick by spreading their "icky bugs".

The third act of Sanitary Betrayal was also yesterday at the A&P. (Sorry A&P, you're getting a bad rep here). I was on line (or is it in line?) at the checkout. The person checking out in front of me paid by cash. The cashier was giving change and she LICKED HER FINGER to get a better grip on the dollar bill! So fucking gross!!!! Why would she do that? If she has trouble grabbing bills, she should wear one of those rubber things on her fingers like bank tellers do. If I were the customer I would have asked her to put that money aside and get a manger to hand her the change. So now this poor person is walking around with spit in her wallet. I have heard of dirty money..but this is ridiculous. When it was my turn to pay...I took out my credit card and swiped it myself. My germs are not for sharing!

I am by far not a germ a phobe! My house is dirty and I did not use hand sanitizer when my kids were babies. I think being exposed to a little dirt is ok and my kids are pretty much never sick. BUT, I'm starting to think that Michael Jackson had the right idea walking around with gloves anad a mask on!

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